During the initial phase of the design proces multiple concepts were sketched out in specific restaurant environments. The example on the right is representing a big ordering screen (hence the green colour).
During the initial phase of the design proces multiple concepts were sketched out in specific restaurant environments. The example on the right is representing a big ordering screen (hence the green colour). After developing the initial concept, a prototype test was conducted using Apple iPads to test the interface during an ordering process. Customers were invited to participate and go through the steps of ordering. Developing a service narrative (story board) became a part of the tools optained in this design. Furthermore the aspect of co-creation was investigated and tested during the interface development.
Narrative & Co-Creation
Refujourney was a university thought-through service app, the concept was to develop a service system from which asylum seekers and refugees could use on their smartphone during their asylum process. Development of a cloud-based distributive server system. Making the app less dependent on server maintenance
System Architecture: Refujourney was a university thought-through campaign, cardboard was the main material. To back up the guerilla marketing approach, the video was a part of a strategic implementation using QR codes and banners to lead users through the video to a specific landing page.
Concept development
Initially when developing delivery services, basic system architectural understanding was implemented, providing a specific knowledge of developing product systems. The blueprint as an analytic tool, provided a great understanding of how a business or commerce has several stages from which the customer interacts on multiple service levels. User customer journey is a powerful tool when developing systems, in physical businesses as well as e-commerce. The user journey was in this project a way to visualize the potential touchpoints between customer and business.
System Architecture
Service Blueprint
Customer Journey
In collaboration with Bjerg Architecture, a catalog of future development and suggestions to their existing website was created. Furthermore a strategic implementation of social media was suggested.
Web Development
Building upon the existing concept, the workgroup decided to work upon the existing festival visual identity. Developing a strong analogy to the existing identity, the igloo as a meeting point during the music festival, became a strong concept in the initial development. During the design phase a prototype test was conducted, testing the video uplink connecting the igloo with the music scenes spread out on the festival areas.
Concept Development
Sketching User Experience
Prototype Testing
In collaboration with Coop Denmark and Kvickly, the concept of small grocery islands spread out the supermarket would provide the user experience of a marketplace and build authenticity. Tools such as persuasive design and service design was implemented.
Concept Development